Why Positive Affirmations? Inspirational Quotes for a better day!

Quotes in Watercolor Calligraphy

8 min readOct 13, 2020

Positive Thinking has an unimaginable secret power that impacts you and the world around you

Human brain has a natural tendency to think. Our thoughts create our reality. Positive thoughts help us create a positive future for us. Formally, affirmation is defined as “a statement or proposition that is declared to be true.” So what is it meant by a positive affirmation? These are the words we speak to ourselves, more like a positive self talk. If we indulge in negative thought patterns like, “I am not as attractive as I would like to be”, “I don’t have enough money”, “I don’t like the work I am doing and the fact that I am not appreciated” then, this would attract more negativity into our life. Positive affirmations help us release the negativity, fear, worry, and anxiety. For example, the above negative affirmations can be replaced by positive affirmations like “I am perfect in the eyes of God, a divine manifestation of the process of creation. The way I look has a reason and is serving a purpose in my life”, “I intend to attract unlimited abundance (money) into my life”, “I’ll act on my inner intuitive impulses to create the work or job of my dreams.” When these affirmations are repeated over and over again, they begin to take charge of your thoughts, slowly changing your pattern of thinking and ultimately changing your life.

How does it really work?

Some might say it doesn’t work and you are just kidding yourself. Hear me out about how it actually works. You might find many people saying why it doesn’t work and explaining the reasons like you are not stating the affirmations correctly or not practicing them. Now, you have developed your thinking patterns based on your life experiences and hopes for future. A simple affirmation or reading an article on law of attraction could change your life drastically might be hard to believe at first. So, here is my advise, instead of thinking how it doesn’t work, focus on the possibility that it could work. The next obvious question is how do you know it works. Many people want to see significant positive results with minimal effort. For example, we go to gym for a month and expect a lot change in our body. The truth is, it requires consistent effort and patience. You need to appreciate the progress (how much ever small it is) and keep going. The same is true in the case of positive thinking as well. You will know that your positive thinking and positive affirmations are working, with the help of your feelings. Yes, how you feel plays a vital role in how you think. Your feelings are a guiding signal and a very important part of your life journey. Consider this, focusing on good gives peace, kindness gives peace, a non-judgemental attitude shows love and so on. All these feelings are a proof of your progress in creating a positive life. So, when you write affirmations and repeat them, I urge you to have patience and just focus on your positive life. Because our aim here is to feel good rather than encouraging negative thoughts. Believe that what you focus on expands. When you focus on what is missing in your life, you attract more of what is missing. When you focus on wanting something, the universe responds with the same energy of wanting. So, imagine that what you desire has already manifested in your life. When you write your own affirmations, make sure that you write it as if your desired outcome is your reality. Affirmations are generally goal specific. The goal can be attracting positive relationships, more abundance, or leading a successful life. Some examples of positive affirmations written as your reality:

  • “I have decided to attract peace into my life and having more positivity in my life”
  • “I love me. I am whole and perfect as I was created”.
  • “I am committed to …”
  • “I appreciate myself that I am now able to …”

Remember, if you are worrying, you are not trusting the outcome. If you have faith in the universe and trust the process, you will be at peace. So make sure you just focus on the outcome and let the universe handle the details. Again, what you focus on expands, if you try to control the process and not trust the universe, the universe responds to you with more of mistrust. If you are in harmony with your surroundings and trust the universe, you can see things working magically for you. You can co-create your world with peace.

You can write your own positive affirmations. You can keep it in the places where you can read them frequently. Stick them in places where you can see them often. You can put affirmations in your work place, bedroom and even in your pocket. If you are starting now, there are a lot of positive affirmations resources available online, which could help. In the next part of this story, I am writing some inspiring quotes. You could use some of them and have a bright day.

Quotes that inspire me:

Painted in watercolor calligraphy

We have been discussing about positive imagination so far so lets start with the first quote in that direction.

What if it turns out way better than you could have ever imagined

Have you ever just thought may be it all could work out in ways better than you can think of. Yes, it is possible when you focus on the outcome and start being flexible about your ways to reach it.

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly

We all have an inner knowing which is hard to explain. When we try to be too analytical and try to think logically in places where we need to follow our intuition, we often can’t make any sense of what is happening around us. Our inner voice is always here to guide us. Its all within us. We just need to listen with a loving heart to understand things clearly.

Talk with people who make you see the world differently

This is a world of infinite possibilities. We are what we are because of innumerable choices we made so far. There are people who made different choices and ended up in a life different than you. Always staying open minded and talking to different people not only expands your horizons but also helps you make better decisions in life.

Be kind, have courage and always believe in a little magic

This is a quote taken from one of the most favorite fairy tale, Cinderella. Cinderella says, “No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish can come true. A dream is a wish your heart makes.” Things come to those who believe in the possibility of its happening.

If it is meant to be, it will be.

Things that are meant to be in your life are already there in this present moment. The things that you desire will be manifested at the right time. Worrying about the timing and the authenticity of your thoughts would not give you positive experience. So, put in the necessary effort and stay detached from it as much as possible. Sincere and hard work will always bring good results. In terms of relationships, try positive mind set and kind words towards others. If you still experience negativity from them even after your efforts to make an exciting positive conversation, simply let go and let god. If it is meant to be, it will be.

You often get tired, not because you have done too much but because you have done too little of what sparks light in you

This is a wonderful saying and I wish everyone could hear it. Often, you get distracted and can’t focus on your work just because you are not loving what you do. When you want to do things for the service of others or for the greater good, you don’t get tired, instead you have rejuvenated energy.

Everything you can imagine is real

Just how an artist imagines and creates a painting from nothing, you are also capable of creating your own beautiful reality.

“You make me happy when skies are grey”

Vicktor Frankl says in Man’s search for meaning that, “Love is the ultimate and highest goal to which man can aspire. The salvation of man is through love and in love.” The thought of someone you love makes you feel better in your darkest times.

If you are willing to change the world let love be your energy

Everyone of us what to see change in the world to some capacity. The only way to create a change is by means of love. When love is the driving force, the changes will be positive and long lasting. From now on, try responding from a place of love in every situation when you feel change is necessary.

If you are willing to change the world, let love be your energy

As is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm”

Microcosm is our inner thoughts and self talk. The world we create inside ourselves with our believes. Macrocosm is the world outside us, the reality. A highly spiritual person would say that there is no difference between the two, meaning what the whole world is one place. But coming to our individual selves, what we imagine the world to be, is how the world appears to us. If we focus on how the world is corrupt and unfair, we see the same everywhere around us. If we focus on the positive things like the decrease in crime rate or how good you are managing your daily tasks, you will see more positive things in the world outside of you.

As is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm

Finally, I would like to conclude with a last quote written by me.

Life is like a rose, look at its beauty but not at the thorns below it.”

Life is beautiful and you can appreciate and see beauty everywhere and in everything, if you choose to. A rose plant has thorns below the lovely flower. It is our personal choice whether to appreciate the beauty of the lovely flower or to complain about the sharp thorns. Once you look at the flower, it is almost impossible for anyone to focus on the thorns. That’s the fascinating charm of beauty. When you appreciate beauty, negative thoughts just vanish. So, be kind to yourself, appreciate the beauty within you. Be kind to others and appreciate the beauty around you.

Life is like a rose, look at its beauty but not at the thorns below it.


Positivity is simply a choice which makes you feel good and helps you lead life in a peaceful way.

My spiritual journey was highly influenced by the wonderful book called The Power of Intention written by Dr. Wayne Dyer. Also, another most influential book I would like to mention is Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl.




Written by Divi

Reinforcement Learning | Blockchain| Wireless Communication| Researcher

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